
Driver's Name ___________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City State Zip___________________________________________________________
email __________________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________ T-Shirt Size M______W_______
Emergency Contact __________________________ Phone#____________________
Co-Driver's Name ________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City State Zip ___________________________________________________________
Phone _________________________________________ T-Shirt Size M______W_____
Emergency Contact _____________________________ Phone#__________________
One bed or Two at hotel? ___________________
Vehicle Information:
Year _________ Make ___________________________________________________
Model ___________________________________________________________________
Modifications? ___________________________________________________________
*Please No Vehicle Substitutions Without Prior Approval
I understand that the Snowball Rally is a motoring tour, not a race, or in any way a speed contest. I
also understand that road conditions and weather can be unpredictable, and will adjust my driving accordingly. My vehicle
is legal, registered for the road, and covered by liability insurance. (proof of which I must carry during this event) I agree
to waive any liability on the part of the Snowball Rally or its organizers, by reason of any injury or damage sustained or
incurred by myself or my vehicle. I agree to hold the Snowball Rally and its organizers free and harmless there from. I further
agree that my private insurance will be the only insurance available to me.
Driver's Signature ________________________________________________________
Co-Driver's Signature ____________________________________________________
Print, fill out, and mail this form with a check for $550 to JEFF GUZAITIS no later than March
15th 2025. A $50 late fee will apply to any entries accepted afterward.
*Refunds available until March 15th, after which entry fees are non-refundable. This event will run rain,
shine, or possibly even a blizzard! We reserve the right to alter the route at any time.
Driver & Navigator- $550______________
Additional T Shirts- $20_______________ Size(s)____________
Late Fee(after 3/15) $50_______________
Total $______________________________
Send to:
Jeff Guzaitis
The Snowball Chalet
1320 Griffith St.
San Francisco, Ca. 94124

